JCB announces the world’s first hydrogen digger
JCB this week announced it had been working on the world’s first zero-emissions excavator which is the same week Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated the government will be investing in hydrogen.
The new hydrogen fuelled digger by JCB will be able to excavate generating zero greenhouse emissions, the 20 tonne machine will be the world’s first.
The prototype has already been put through testing for around a year, the use of fuel cell technology in the digger means the only emissions from the machine will be water.
Lord Bamford
Chairman Lord Bamford noted that it was part of the firm’s ongoing plans to develop technologies that support the transition to a net zero economy. Hoping to build a zero carbon future.
Jo Bamford the founder of Ryse Hydrogen is looking to make his newly owned fleet of buses from bus manufacture Wrightbus all zero emission. He went on to say “I truly believe hydrogen is the UK’s best opportunity to build a world-leading industry which creates UK jobs, cuts emissions and is the envy of the globe”
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Some static plants on UK construction sites are already being powered by hydrogen, AJC Easy Cabin’s Ecosmart Zero Welfare cabins are powered mainly by solar power, backed up a hydrogen fuel cell generator rather than the traditional diesel one.
Taylor Construction Plant is utilising hydrongen for lighting and CCTV towers, and at Plantworx 2019 Stephill Generators were displaying lighting towers purely powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
The Government are set to invest heavily in Hydrogen
It’s no secret that over the past year hydrogen has become more talked about than ever before on political agendas. This puts extra weight behind Jo Bamford’s recent comment, along with extra pressure from companies calling on the government to invest in hydrogen such as Siemens and the National Grid.
YRC Excavation and Grab Hire
Here at YRC Excavation and Garb Hire we aren’t at the cutting edge of technology just yet, but we’re here to help with all your groundwork requirements throughout West Yorkshire, you can contact us via our online forms or calling us directly.